Saturday, May 5, 2012

Week of April 30- May 5th

This week was a whirlwind week.

I learned a lot about Family Theories today.

Family Systems Theory-
This theory looks at the family as a whole. The Family Systems Theory says that all families have rules and that every family member has a role. This system suggests that each family needs executives and that every time there is a change the roles and positions need to redistribute.

Exchange Theory-
In this theory, it's all about "what's in it for me?" If you are not getting more or an equal amount of something out of a relationship, you will abandon it. This idea stemmed from economic systems. It is sad to think, but some marriages really are this way. I cannot imagine a marriage that was so self-centered. I hope that my first thoughts will always be "what can I do to make his life better?" It is no wonder why so many people are getting divorced. I think we truly learn how to serve in marriage, and that is one of the main reasons that it is important.

Symbolic Theory-
The Symbolic Interaction Theory says that every behavior has a meaning. Problems arise when the intent is not the effect of the behavior. Interestingly enough, behavior is symbolically different based on the situation. An example would be holding hands. In some cultures, this is inappropriate in public. In others, it is just a show of affections. This behavior would also be interpreted differently if it was a parent and child vs. a husband and wife.

Conflict Theory-
Conflict Theory maintains that all interactions are made of conflict. Conflict stems from two entities who do not necessarily want the same thing at the same time. How we handle conflict can be good or bad.

We learned more about The Family System Theory today. The main thing I took from class today was that homeostasis or not making a change is wrong. The Lord expects us to change and grow and develop. We experience situations in life so that we can grow and become more like God.

I also learned that detouring is influencing someone's behavior through someone else. The example in class was given of a mother trying to change a father's behavior through his child's action or lack of action. I think that this behavior is wrong. I think that we should not try to control other people's behavior, since each of us have our agency.

In class, we had a sample Salvador Minuchin experience. I got to be the "child" in a therapy session. Although it was kind of funny, I learned a lot. Fathers are supposed to be the head of the household. Husbands and Wives are to cleave to each other and the children follow. Serious problems result if these roles are not followed. I also learned that the children need to have an equal tie to both parents. If one gets to strong, it can separate the marriage.

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